Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3 FES
Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3 FES is an expansion pack includes 30+ hours of extra gameplay from Persona 3, as well as new events and added cutscenes after the ending of the original game. Other additions include added personas, updated battle and weapons system, and a system that allows you to change your character's clothing. The game is standalone and does not require purchase of the original Persona 3 game for it to be playable, however players with a save file will be able to transfer some of their saved data. Persona 3 was selected as the RPG of 2007.
After the Shadows were defeated, there was peace in the school. However, there are more troubling problems afoot. A month after the final battle, March 31, 2010, the clock strikes 12:00 and it seems that the Shadow Hour is upon the students again. Aegis is now the lead character. She is approached by an android who informs her that she is surrounded by danger and has been thrust into a new Dark Hour.
akhirnya selesai juga maen the journey, buru-buru namatin karena sudah muncul persona 4, tetapi..gw blom maen yang the answernya..melihat storyline yang diatas kayanya mesti maen the answer nih..btw main character lu namanya sapa di Persona 3:FES?? kalo gw dinamain arisato minato, sbenernya yang bener gmn yah..minato arisato atau arisato minato ?-_-
ya sudahlah..the answernya ntar aja..persona 4 dolo aja, kayanya lebih keren..atau nonton Persona Trinity Soul aja ya..tapi...mau nonton darker than black juga..huhuhu..banyak kerjaan juga yah liburan,

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